Sunday 15 May 2011

Finding new housemates proves to be stressful

Student houses (picture from:
ACCOMODATION for students in Canterbury is in high demand, not only is it soon to be first years looking for halls but it is also first years, going into their second year looking for a house within the city.
The mad rush for first years looking for houses occurred in November last year, contracts were signed and money was given but the Easter break has given some students a chance to contemplate about the academic year. Many have decided against living in the house they originally signed for, leaving the others in that house having to look for a new housemate.
First year Emma Rashbrook said: “I found out a week ago that two of the four people I am supposed to be living with are pulling out. I didn’t quite know how to react. One is leaving because she dislikes her course and another is leaving because she has decided she doesn’t have the money.”
“All we can do now is hope to find two more people but this is something that we really did not want to have to do.”
When this happens to a group of people or maybe just one individual the best thing to do is to contact your landlord at once, they may be able to find you someone or point you in the right direction.
Sophie Kidd one of the girls leaving explained: “It was wrong of me to sign the contract without being one hundred percent sure I suppose but this is just not the place for me. I have said to the girls that I will help them try to find someone else as soon as possible because I do feel bad.”
Pages on social networking sights such as Facebook are being made for people in need of housemates. This is where you can write who you are looking for and what the house is like, people that are interested in the house will comment or send a private message and ask for more information. Alternatively flyers can be put up and emails can be sent in hope to find someone.
This is a difficult situation to be in but as Canterbury is a largely student populated city the likelihood of finding a housemate is high.
Below is a video of Megan Sumner and Catarina Lopes discussing their problems.

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