Sunday 15 May 2011

First year feedback

This interview is life inside a first years head as now the academic year is ending and she looks back on her first year at Christ Church.

Emma Rashbrrok, 19, studying sociology reveals all

How would you sum up your experience in one word? Fun

How often did you tend to go out a week? Once or twice, all depended on how much money I had.

How have you found your accommodation? Good but there have been lots of problems like cold shower, heating not working and the freezer breaking.

Have you managed to make lots of friends? Yes friends I will have for life.

What do you think of the clubs here?  I think they’re pretty poor to be honest, compared to massive cities like Leeds and Manchester but I have had a lot of fun here and when you've been drinking and you're with your friends it doesn't really matter where you are!

How have you managed your money? Really well actually I have budgeted myself for each week, with money for food, for going out and just for some spare. I think that’s the best way to do it.

Have you been enjoying your course? It’s not the course I thought it would be so it's been a nice suprise because it's different. I’m enjoying it so much and have made some lovely friends. Dreading the upcoming exams though but I guess everyone is!

Are you looking forward to coming back to Canterbury for your second year? Yes definitely! I’m looking forward to knowing everyone and knowing where I’m going. That was also the tricky thing about being a fresher.

Would you have done anything differently? I think I would have perhaps worked a little bit harder so I didn't have to revise so much!

Are you pleased you came to Christ Church? Yes yes and yes again!

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