Sunday 15 May 2011

Drinking rather than revising

Alcohol (picture from:
ALCOHOL consumption is extremely high in university students. Many drinking before they go out to a pub and then followed by going out to a club. This could affect the way students perform in their lectures and especially the upcoming exams.
Despite all students facing exams in the next few weeks the two main clubs in Canterbury, Chill and Club Chemistry are still promoting cheap drinks and are encouraging students to go out on the popular student nights in the week, Mondays and Wednesdays as well as going out on the weekend too.

Student Hannah Altree said: “Even though we have exams and yes they are important, going out just gives us a bit of a break. This probably isn’t a very good thing because we feel absolutely awful the day after and the idea of revision does not exactly fill us with happiness.”
Club Chemistry worker Gemma Wells said: “The club can’t suffer because people have exams. I started working there at Christmas and it is just as busy there now as it was then. Exams don’t seem to be able to stop people from going out but I do think it makes people think about how much they are drinking.”
She went on and said: “Being hung-over is not a nice feeling; people will be thinking more about the effect drinking is going to have on them the following morning and then deciding against drinking so much but a lot of people just really don’t care.”
Drinking and going out may very well be affecting people and their performance in exams but some individuals think more about having a good time rather than how it is going to affect them.
Mark Johnson a second year student said: “I have decided to not go out at all through the exam period; I just want to concentrate on revising. We have four months to go out and party in the summer so I think people should just wait until then and concentrate on what matters.”
Below is a video of student Emma Rashbrook talking about her experience at university of drinking and going out.

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