Sunday 15 May 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Healthy food
BEING healthy is something that everyone is told to do whether they are a student, child or an adult. It is something we all need to do in order to be fit and happy individuals. This could be a difficult and daunting task for students as their budget is tight and sometimes they just cannot be bothered with all the fuss.

To be a healthy person means to have a balanced diet and do plenty of exercise. With students having so much work to do and lots of things to worry about how can they 
possibly fit in healthy eating as well as exercising?

First year student Anna Lucas said: “I try to be as healthy as I possibly can when it comes to food. On the exercise side, not only do I not have much time on my hands I also don’t have the money. I would love to be able to join the gym but I find even the student prices are still a lot.”

The thought of making a balanced, healthy dinner sounds a lot more like hard work than just popping a microwave meal into the oven or ordering a takeaway but by doing that individuals are putting their health at risk. It also seems like an easier idea getting the bus into town rather than walking but again this is doing the body no good.

Steffan Reep explained: “Making food with housemates makes it a lot easier to eat healthily, if you all put something in like one puts meat, another puts vegetables and another puts something else you find yourselves having a balanced meal and you’re having fun while you’re making and eating it.”

He added: “The gym is something I really can’t afford on my student loan so I simply go running. Canterbury is a lovely city with lots of parks so there are plenty of places to go. A particular favourite place of mine to run is along the cathedral wall. Do this every other day and you’re sorted and you’ll feel so good for it.”

The gym at the university does offer some good deals; it may be worth looking into getting a membership for the beginning of the next academic year, for more information visit this website:

It really is very easy to keep healthy, just little steps like swapping a chocolate bar for a banana!

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