Friday 13 May 2011

Jack Wills comes to Canterbury

Jack Wills Canterbury
JACK WILLS has recently opened a new and exciting shop on the main Canterbury high street. It is a shop that prides itself on being ‘fabulously British’ and calls itself a university outfitter but how much of it realistically can university students afford?

Katie Pollington commented: “Canterbury is a posh city, you think of it as being a really nice place with really nice expensive shops so it doesn’t surprise me that Jack Wills has opened and to be honest I think it will do really well.”

She added: “Students might see something they like and yes it might be expensive but by saving some money people will be able to afford it.”

The new Jack Wills is very large and open planned, it allows customers to explore different areas with clothes displayed in stylish and interesting ways such as a bath tub full of plastic bubbles with manikins legs coming out with socks on that can be bought. The prices of clothes can range from £20 to £500.
Inside Jack Wills
Jonathan Bowman said: “I love the shop but I just can’t afford anything in it. Everyone knows it is an expensive shop. It is a respectable brand, it’s nice to walk around wearing something from there but to be honest I don’t think the majority of students in Canterbury would be able to afford it.”
Claire Bryant working in the new Jack Wills explained: “It is a university outfitter and not all students have money problems so I think it works. Every day I work there’s always lots of people in and there is a positive vibe from the customers.”
She added: “The shop will do well in the city; it is also very popular with tourists because it is a typical British shop selling British clothes. I love it.”
Whether the majority of students can afford it or not the impression from people seems to be that the shop stands well in Canterbury, there are always people inside enjoying the cheery atmosphere from the shop and because there are so many students in the city it makes sense to have a university outfitter here although the high price of the clothes may put students on a tight budget off.

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